Friday, June 27, 2008

Revisiting F.U.N.C.T.

It seems time to re-evaluate how we think and how we act, so we can live more spiritual lives.

For years, I have written and spoken about how sports are a great metaphor for life. The dynamic of how we deal with our participation in sports mirrors how we live our lives.

We are struggling as a society to make sense of all the changes we see all around in our outward lives. Our lives seem out of balance and with what is happening with the universe, time has been shortened. The resultant feeling is that we feel rushed, filled with angst and stress. This seems to manifest itself with the craziness we’ve seen in the news about aberrant behavior of coaches and parents.

For the rest of this article, go to

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Teaching Basketball Basics

When a new basketball coach is attempting to put together a coaching plan of action, including how to teach, what to teach and when to teach it, who do they ask for advice? This mentoring should be of strategic importance to them. Do they really know how to teach what you need?

This is the message I bring for novice and inexperienced coaches in my June article, "Teaching Basketball Basics", which can be read at

While using your summer for planning, coaches could find the material needed for teaching the basics from the 28 products I have created and are showcased on my site, or the more than 40 basketball articles found listed on my home page,

Yours in Sport & Spirit,

Coach Ronn