Saturday, August 4, 2007

Youth Basketball Basics For Coaches and Players

Before I got into the competitive marketplace for online basketball, I did a lot of research of the sites I found on the web. I found that there are millions of web pages dealing with basketball related topics. Which sites are right for an individual coach or player depends on what that person is looking for. It could also depend on the individual’s level of understanding and skill for playing basketball or coaching basketball. A coach with some longevity in the game will probably not be interested in how to teach basic basketball fundamentals, while a coach starting out teaching young boys or girls will not require the sophistication of material the more experienced one will.

Basically, basketball coaches and players will have to sift through a myriad of websites to find answers for their particular sets of questions. The problem with many of the sites that I have investigated is that they mostly market the same basketball videos and DVDs. While they may have some good content to their sites, there is also a lot of redundancy making a lot for searchers to wade through. Read the rest of the article at:


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