Sunday, October 7, 2007

New E-Book From Coach Ronn

Here is a recent press release about my newest e-book release.

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: October 09, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Moves With The Ball

(PRLEAP.COM) Right on the heels of publishing, Teaching Movement Without The Ball, Coach Ronn Wyckoff has brought his latest work, Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Moves With The Ball.

The two books were brought out nearly simultaneously in order to give players and coaches the basis for individual basketball play. Armed with the material in these two books, basketball coaches and players, especially those new to the game, will learn what the player with the ball should do, and at the same time, what the ball handler’s teammates should be doing to help and complement the offensive movement of the ball.

Coach Ronn points out that, on offense, if everyone handles the ball equally (which he also points out will never happen), players will spend about 80% of their time on offense without the ball.

His last book teaches how to move without the ball so a player can get the ball, and this book teaches the player what to do when they do have the ball.

Some coaches will want this book to perhaps reinforce what they may have known from earlier playing or coaching experiences, however, the new coach should find Teaching Moves With The Ball invaluable for getting the information to be able to teach young players what to do and how to do it, when the have the ball.

The author has used these teaching techniques successfully all over the world for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written.

This library of work should be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success. The e-Book collection, along with Coach Ronn’s powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players, can be found at his website,

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