Sunday, October 28, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Why Teach Man Defense?

Teaching man-to-man principles and techniques, starting with a basic stance, then movement, then playing on-the-ball and off-the-ball, before even considering teaching zone defense just makes sense. You have to start with the basics. Man defense is the basic.

There are a lot of reasons to teach zone defense. What I want to show readers here is how, by using man-to-man techniques while deploying zone defense, you can make your defense so much stronger and effective.

When starting out teaching defense, particularly at youth age levels, the basics necessarily require teaching man skills and techniques. This will include, and incorporate later into dynamic capabilities for individual defensive play, stance, sliding and movement, followed by 1-on-1 on-the-ball and off-the-ball techniques and rules.

Logic and good teaching procedure would use plateaus of learning, moving from individual lessons to 1-on-1, then 2-on-2, and so on, until reaching full team execution of man-to-man defense. It does no good to teach the team game before a child has been introduced to and hopefully mastered well enough the individual aspects of defense. When every player can play both on-the-ball and off-the-ball, the rules used in teaching these techniques will easily lead right into teaching team defense. It’s basically already been done at this point, because with five players following their individual on- and off-ball rules, they’ve got the basic structure for the team defense. Now it’s just a matter of teaching how to play and be effective as a group.

For the rest of the article, go to

There are several articles and products, listed below, which I have created to help learn the basic teaching of defense. These can also be found at my website,

Teaching Individual Defense, Part I

Teaching Individual Defense, Part II

Defending The Dribble Entry

Video: Teaching Individual Defense

Ebook: Teaching Individual Defense

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Individual Defense

I just published a definitive work for teaching individual defense. Not only is it a teaching guide for novice coaches, but experienced coaches will find things here they can use to make their defensive play stronger. There are an ebook and a 55 minute video that shows me teaching everything I write about in my ebook. The ebook comes with loads of pictures and diagrams to illustrate what is being talked about in the text. Together, the video and ebook complement each other, so not only will you have the words but also the visual to bring home the strongest understanding of how to teach individual defensive techniques.

Below is the recently published press release for the ebook. At then end there are links for ordering both the ebook and the video.


By Coach Ronn Wyckoff


“More than anything else, playing inspired defense

is a matter of will.”

Phil Jackson

Coach Ronn’s Defensive Truths

· We have to get the ball in order to play with the ball! Defense gets the ball! Period!

· In a thirty-two minute game, if both teams are equal, defense is fifty-per cent of the game.

· Defense is too important to just hope that players will get it. The coaches must teach it.

· So many times coaches don’t really believe in defense, relying rather on their offensive teaching skills.

· Or, perhaps coaches just don’t understand how to teach defense.

Once a coach knows how, it can then be taught easily enough, then drilled to perfection the same way we develop offenses—over and over and over, until it becomes UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE!

Coaches, even if you believe in using zone defense, do not expect your team to play good team zone defense if the individual players cannot execute good, basic man principles.

In my more than forty years of coaching, I have come to the following

realizations about defense:

1. There is often a lot of generalization rather than specific teaching being done;

2. Many coaches believe zone defense is easier to teach than man defense;

3. Defensive skills are easier to teach than offensive skills;

4. Creating a good defensive player is infinitely easier than creating a good offensive player;

5. A team can play good defense and win even when the offense is having an off game;

6. Defense has always created most of my offense.

Let me help you become an outstanding defensive teaching-coach. Good defense begins by teaching a stance that gets the player low, on balance, under control, and able to move quickly and efficiently.

From this 43 page e-book, combining text, diagrams and pictures, I’ll teach you how to teach stance easily and effectively. Then we’ll cover every aspect of teaching the individual, in each position…

§ how to move;

§ how to defend the player with the ball in different areas of the floor;

§ how to defend players off the ball; and

§ how to begin to put together the team aspect of playing “Triangle Defense”.

Don’t miss out on being able to teach half the game!!

Order Your Book Now!

A $27 value, ONLY $11.99


The video is a $24 value
for only $9.99


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here's a mid-month update on what's new, as I move toward finishing all my work in progress for the last 2 1/2 years.

I hope all is well for you and yours. If you are coaching basketball this upcoming season, I know time is short to get all your plans in readiness. That's my purpose in writing at this time--to make available material to you that can help as you make your practice plans.

I have my 4 hr. teaching DVD available in hard disc and also in streaming video. So you have a choice, but now the two FREE ebooks that were only available on the discs are also available with the video. Every individual skill area of the game is covered in the DVD/Video.

BUT, it doesn't stop there. In case you may have had an interest in particular skill areas of my DVD over other areas, each individual chapter of the DVD is now available !!

AND, for each skill chapter of the DVD/Video there is now a corresponding ebook (except the last 2, Chapters 9 & 10, which I should have done next month). Now you can have the on-floor action showing on your screen while at the same time have the text, pictures and diagrams for that same skill available to study and get the words necessary to teach with.

Below is the order section taken right from my web site for the DVD/Video. Check it out. See for yourself if the offerings available now can work for your particular coaching needs.

to order the 10-Chapter video online
With 2 FREE Ebooks


Order Any Individual Chapter

All 23 video and ebook products are available to view
by clicking here:
Wishing you all the best as you prepare for the upcoming season.
Yours in Sport & Spirit,
Coach Ronn

Sunday, October 7, 2007

DVD Press Release

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: July 25, 2007

New Basketball Drills DVD For Coaches & Players

(PRLEAP.COM) "Basketball On A Triangle: A Higher Level of Coaching and Playing", is a powerful basketball coaching DVD being introduced at .

This teaching DVD is being hailed by reviewers as one of the most highly detailed basketball teaching products on the market. It’s also been called the tool every youth basketball coach needs to have.

Available in both hard disc and downloadable versions, this powerful, 4-hour, 2-disc DVD is a "Virtual Basketball Camp" that may help any coach or player successfully overcome a myriad of dilemmas— learning what to teach, how to teach it, and when to teach it.

"Basketball On A Triangle…" is four hours of jam-packed "how to" information offering a variety of applications designed to help coaches better understand and teach the game and players to be better able to play the game. Every individual skill for the game is covered. All the tips and strategies for basketball play are highly detailed through straight-talking, targeted, step-by-step teaching, to enable any coach or player to take their game to a higher level. Coaches get the words and drills to be able to teach the basics, so kids get it right, right from the beginning levels of play.

Coach Ronn’s more than fifty years of playing and coaching basketball uniquely qualify him to teach coaches how to teach basketball and players to play better basketball. His programs have reached hundreds of coaches and players around the world with his simple but direct teaching methods, making this DVD a one-of-a-kind.

Coach Ronn is also the author of numerous basketball coaching e-Books that mirror all the subjects covered in the DVD. He also offers a 1-on-1 Mentoring program for coaches or players. More can be learned about Coach Ronn and his programs at his website

Whether a "newbie" or an old hand, anyone can learn from this teaching-training DVD found at .

Top Basketball Coaching Tips Press Release

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: July 25, 2007

Top Basketball Coaching Tips

(PRLEAP.COM) Author, Ronn Wyckoff, also the producer of and the author/producer of the book and DVD, “Basketball On A Triangle: A Higher Level of Coaching and Playing”, has brought a sensational basketball coaching E-Book to the market that can be any coach’s or player’s personal guide to basketball success.

There’s a new basketball coaching e-Book just released that is absolutely jam-packed with drills, tips, and teaching secrets that beginner and seasoned youth basketball coaches and players alike should have in their coaching library.

The e-Book, “Top Basketball Coaching Tips”, by Coach Ronn Wyckoff, offers readers 100’s of basketball tips that can personalize and even skyrocket their basketball coaching or basketball playing abilities. These tips and basketball drills for how to play basketball and how to coach basketball can help coaches cut through the mystery of “how to teach” and “what to do” to make sure every player is able to perform at the peak of his or her ability.

Every individual aspect of teaching and playing the game is covered in this 70+ page
e-Book. The book has just been introduced to the market and can be previewed at this site:

This e-Book is filled with the exercises and drills Coach Ronn has used successfully for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. This experience uniquely qualifies him to compile this sensational basketball coaching e-Book that could be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success.

Whether the reader has been coaching or playing for a while, or are just getting started, these top basketball tips can give anyone the words and knowledge needed to explode their teaching or playing game.

Here are some of the powerfully detailed tips found in "Top Basketball Coaching Tips":

Practice Tips & Rules; Tips for Individual Offense, including Offensive Rules To Learn and Know; Individual Defense, including Defensive Rules To Learn and Know; Team Skills; Tips For Getting Started, for new coaches and players; Tips for Moving Without The Ball; Position Specific Tips for Post/Inside Play, for playing Wing/Perimeter, and Guard/Perimeter Play; Tips For Teaching Balance and Control, Passing, Dribbling, Shooting and Rebounding; Tips For Teaching Individual Moves With The Ball; and Tips For Teaching Individual Defense.

Every individual basketball skill is covered here in an amazing array of tips and drills.
Everything is explained in detail and kept simple for the reader to understand.

More e-Books, Coach Ronn’s powerful 4-hour teaching DVD and information about his mentoring program can be found at his website,

Press Release Sept. 30--Rebounding

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: September 30, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Rebounding

(PRLEAP.COM) Coach Ronn Wyckoff continues to turn out e-books for novice or less experienced youth basketball coaches. His latest one, “Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Rebounding”, will appeal to that coaching niche because he literally tells, and demonstrates through diagrams, every step for teaching beginning players how to rebound. And, then he takes what he has presented and applies it for more capable coaches and players, so there is something in Teaching Rebounding for every level of experience.

"Teaching Rebounding" can help beginning coaches cut through the mystery of ‘how to teach’ and ‘what to do’, making sure every player is able to learn this important basketball skill.

Every individual and team aspect of teaching both offensive and defensive rebounding techniques and skills will be found in this e-Book. The book has just been introduced to the market and can be previewed at this site:

Coach Ronn addresses rebounding as one skill area that can make the difference between winning and losing close games. He suggests that players can learn to be good rebounders by learning to finesse into the best position to get the rebound. He teaches positioning techniques and body use skills that can enable average jumpers to become above-avarage rebounders. He states, that while jumping ability is a great attribute to have as a rebounder, not everyone can jump well. He goes on to say that jumping ability is greatly over-emphasized, while positioning and proper boxing-out techniques are more important, especially for young players.

Coach Ronn teaches the exercises and drills for rebounding from every position. He has used these teaching techniques successfully for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written. This library of work could be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success.

All his e-Books, his powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players can be found at his website,

New E-Book From Coach Ronn

Here is a recent press release about my newest e-book release.

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: October 09, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Moves With The Ball

(PRLEAP.COM) Right on the heels of publishing, Teaching Movement Without The Ball, Coach Ronn Wyckoff has brought his latest work, Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Moves With The Ball.

The two books were brought out nearly simultaneously in order to give players and coaches the basis for individual basketball play. Armed with the material in these two books, basketball coaches and players, especially those new to the game, will learn what the player with the ball should do, and at the same time, what the ball handler’s teammates should be doing to help and complement the offensive movement of the ball.

Coach Ronn points out that, on offense, if everyone handles the ball equally (which he also points out will never happen), players will spend about 80% of their time on offense without the ball.

His last book teaches how to move without the ball so a player can get the ball, and this book teaches the player what to do when they do have the ball.

Some coaches will want this book to perhaps reinforce what they may have known from earlier playing or coaching experiences, however, the new coach should find Teaching Moves With The Ball invaluable for getting the information to be able to teach young players what to do and how to do it, when the have the ball.

The author has used these teaching techniques successfully all over the world for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written.

This library of work should be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success. The e-Book collection, along with Coach Ronn’s powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players, can be found at his website,

Two New E-Books from Coach Ronn

Here is a recent press release about my newest e-book release.

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: October 09, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Movement Without The Ball—“Homework”

(PRLEAP.COM) Coach Ronn Wyckoff has just published his seventh e-Book in the basic basketball teaching series he has been writing for the past year. His latest book is entitled, Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Movement Without The Ball—“Homework”.

His goal in writing this series is to help both new or fairly new coaches and players be able to learn the fundamental aspects of the individual game.

While his writing is highly detailed, it is simply put so everyone in this novice niche can understand and practice what Coach Ronn is teaching.

In an earlier book he wrote about how to help young players get their bodies on balance and their movements under control. Now, he takes take these concepts into game action, covering moving without the ball, or what the author calls doing one’s “homework”.

Here, Coach Ronn covers what to do to get open to receive a pass, receiving the pass and then being able to protect the ball, and what the player who has just made the pass does next.

Complemented with pictures and diagrams, this book will help players to learn to move with a purpose, while trying to get open to receive a pass from another player who has the ball. "Movement Without The Ball", gives coaches the words and drills, in the highly detailed manner of teaching we’ve come to expect from Coach Ronn.

On the heels of this book, the author will very quickly publish the follow-up book to this one, in which he will detail what to do once a player has the ball. The two books together, when added to the basic skills of passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding (which Coach Ronn has previously published), makeup what every player needs to know to be able to play the game.

The author has used these teaching techniques successfully for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written. This library of work should be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success.

All his e-Books, his powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players can be found at his website,