Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida
Release Date: September 30, 2007
Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Rebounding
(PRLEAP.COM) Coach Ronn Wyckoff continues to turn out e-books for novice or less experienced youth basketball coaches. His latest one, “Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Rebounding”, will appeal to that coaching niche because he literally tells, and demonstrates through diagrams, every step for teaching beginning players how to rebound. And, then he takes what he has presented and applies it for more capable coaches and players, so there is something in Teaching Rebounding for every level of experience."Teaching Rebounding" can help beginning coaches cut through the mystery of ‘how to teach’ and ‘what to do’, making sure every player is able to learn this important basketball skill.
Every individual and team aspect of teaching both offensive and defensive rebounding techniques and skills will be found in this e-Book. The book has just been introduced to the market and can be previewed at this site:
Coach Ronn addresses rebounding as one skill area that can make the difference between winning and losing close games. He suggests that players can learn to be good rebounders by learning to finesse into the best position to get the rebound. He teaches positioning techniques and body use skills that can enable average jumpers to become above-avarage rebounders. He states, that while jumping ability is a great attribute to have as a rebounder, not everyone can jump well. He goes on to say that jumping ability is greatly over-emphasized, while positioning and proper boxing-out techniques are more important, especially for young players.
Coach Ronn teaches the exercises and drills for rebounding from every position. He has used these teaching techniques successfully for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written. This library of work could be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success.
All his e-Books, his powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players can be found at his website,
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