Sunday, October 7, 2007

Two New E-Books from Coach Ronn

Here is a recent press release about my newest e-book release.

Zip Code: 34232 - Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida

Release Date: October 09, 2007

Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Movement Without The Ball—“Homework”

(PRLEAP.COM) Coach Ronn Wyckoff has just published his seventh e-Book in the basic basketball teaching series he has been writing for the past year. His latest book is entitled, Coaching Youth Basketball: Teaching Movement Without The Ball—“Homework”.

His goal in writing this series is to help both new or fairly new coaches and players be able to learn the fundamental aspects of the individual game.

While his writing is highly detailed, it is simply put so everyone in this novice niche can understand and practice what Coach Ronn is teaching.

In an earlier book he wrote about how to help young players get their bodies on balance and their movements under control. Now, he takes take these concepts into game action, covering moving without the ball, or what the author calls doing one’s “homework”.

Here, Coach Ronn covers what to do to get open to receive a pass, receiving the pass and then being able to protect the ball, and what the player who has just made the pass does next.

Complemented with pictures and diagrams, this book will help players to learn to move with a purpose, while trying to get open to receive a pass from another player who has the ball. "Movement Without The Ball", gives coaches the words and drills, in the highly detailed manner of teaching we’ve come to expect from Coach Ronn.

On the heels of this book, the author will very quickly publish the follow-up book to this one, in which he will detail what to do once a player has the ball. The two books together, when added to the basic skills of passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding (which Coach Ronn has previously published), makeup what every player needs to know to be able to play the game.

The author has used these teaching techniques successfully for more than 50 years of playing and coaching, and in teaching other coaches how to teach the game. Over his long career, he has devised, borrowed, honed and tweaked the things he teaches so readers can become stronger teachers or players of the game. His career experiences uniquely qualify him to compile all of the sensational basketball e-Books he has written. This library of work should be every youth basketball coach and player’s personal guide to basketball success.

All his e-Books, his powerful 4-hour teaching DVD, and information about his mentoring programs for both coaches and players can be found at his website,

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